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Jeff Nippards Muscle IQ Quiz

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1. What is the most important factor for losing fat?

a) Caloric deficit 

b) Meal frequency

c) Meal timing

d) Carb intake


2. Do you need to train to muscular failure to stimulate hypertrophy?

a) Yes

b) No


3. Is it possible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time?

a) Yes

b) No


4. Who would have the hardest time achieving body recomposition (gaining muscle while losing fat)?

a) Someone using anabolic steroids

b) Some who is overweight/obese

c) A lean, advanced trainee

d) A new trainee


5. Which of the following supplements has the most scientific support for muscle and strength gain?

a) BCAAs

b) Creatine Monohydrate 

c) Creatine HCl

d) Beta-Alanine


6. What is the most practically efficient rep rangefor building muscle?

a) 1-6

b) 6-15

c) 15-20

d) 20-30


7. Which muscle is not significantly activated in the seated row?

a) Latissimus dorsi

b) Trapezius 

c) Biceps brachii

d) Anterior deltoid 


8. Which of the following describes the important “eccentric phase” on a bicep curl? 

a) When you curl the weight up 

b) When you squeeze your biceps at the top

c) When you lower the weight back down 

d) When you hold the weight at the bottom


9. Which of the following factors contributes the most to muscle growth? 

a) Mechanical tension 

b) Metabolic stress 

c) Muscle damage

d) Muscle confusion


10. What does RPE stand for?

a) Rating of Potential Exertion

b) Reps Possible to Exhaustion

c) Rating of Perceived Exertion 

d) Rating of Perceived Exhaustion


11. Which rest period length tends to be better for hypertrophy?

a) Shorter rest periods (less than 1 min)

b) Longer rest periods (longer than 1 min) 


12. Which of the following would not count as a form of progressive overload?

a) Increasing the amount of weight you lift for the same reps

b) Increasing the number of reps you lift at the same weight

c) Increasing exercise variation 

d) Doing an additional set with the same reps and load


13. Muscle soreness...

a) Can be a useful proxy that you hit the target muscle 

b) Is very important for muscle growth

c) Shouldn’t happen when training with good form

d) All of the above


14. Noelle is a late-beginner/early-intermediate lifter who wants to build full-body strength and muscular size, with an emphasis on glute development. Assuming she does multiple exercises for multiple sets for her glutes each workout, how many days per week should she train her glutes to maximize gains without seriously risking recovery issues?

a) 1x per week

b) 2-3x per week 

c) 5-7x per week

d) No lifting, focus on cardio


15. Which RIR range is most likely to optimize hypertrophy? 

a) 0-3 

b) 3-6

c) 6-12

d) 12-15 


16. For an average lifter using standard technique, which of the following muscles is least activated by the barbell back squat? 

a) Quadriceps

b) Gluteals

c) Hamstrings


17. Billy is an intermediate lifter who has been weight training for almost 4 years. He wants to grow his chest. Assuming he is taking most sets close to failure, how many sets per week should he do to give him the best muscular gains without seriously risking recovery issues? 

a) 4 sets per week

b) 14 sets per week 

c) 24 sets per week 

d) 34 sets per week


18. Which is the most appropriate protein recommendation for an average lifter in a caloric surplus whose primary goal is to gain muscle? 

a) 0.8-1.2 g/kg bodyweight (0.35-0.55 g/lb)

b) 1.6-2.2 g/kg bodyweight (0.7-1 g/lb)

c) 2.8-3.4 g/kg bodyweight (1.3-1.5 g/lb)

d) 3.4-4 g/kg bodyweight (1.5-1.8g/lb)


19. What is a real name of an exercise?

a) Valley Row

b) Peaks Row

c) Meadows Row

d) Parker Row


20. What is the joint action shown in lateral dumbbell raises? 

a) Shoulder adduction

b) Shoulder abduction 

c) Shoulder extension

d) Shoulder flexion


21. You’re programmed to do a max effort set of 4-6 reps on the deadlift. If you put on a lifting belt and use it properly, which of the following is least likely to occur?

a) You lift more weight

b) You lift the weight faster (more explosive force)

c) You significantly decrease core activity 

d) You significantly increase IAP 


22. Michael weighs 80 kg (176 lbs) and has been training seriously for almost 5 years. He bench presses 2x per week with good technique and uses structured progressions to increase his strength over time. Assuming he has “average genetics” for strength and is dedicated to the gym, how much should he realistically be able to bench press for a 1 rep max?

a) 80 kg (176 lbs)

b) 100 kg (220 lbs)

c) 125 kg (275 lbs) 

d) 165 kg (363 lbs)


23. “Internal cueing” would be most appropriate for which exercise from a hypertrophy standpoint? 

a) Barbell back squat

b) Ez-Bar Bicep Curl

c) Barbell Bench Press 

d) Incline treadmill (brisk walking)


24. What is the average fiber type composition of the soleus muscle of the calves?

a) 55-70% type 1 (slow twitch)

b) 55-70% type 2 (fast twitch)

c) 70-96% type 1 (slow twitch) 

d) 70-96% type 2 (fast twitch)


25. Which of the following activities has been shown to acutely reduce muscle protein synthesis?

a) Cold water immersion 

b) A high-sugar meal

c) Foam rolling

d) Stretching between sets 


26. Rachael is an advanced-level lifter who has been training for both strength and size for almost 10 years. On an AMRAP set, roughly how many reps would you expect her to hit with 80% of her daily 1 rep max on the squat?

a) 4-6 reps 

b) 7-10 reps 

c) 12-15 reps

d) 16-20 reps


27. Which component of metabolism refers to activities like bringing in the groceries and is a major factor in metabolic adaptation to weight loss? 

a) NEAT 

b) TEF

c) BMR 

d) EAT


28. A 2020 paper from Campbell et al has been called the “first bodybuilding refeed study”. In this study, one group dieted continuously and another group used 48 hour refeeds over a 7 week dieting period. Which of the following was a finding in the refeed group? 

a) Better fat loss

b) Better dry lean mass retention 

c) Higher testosterone

d) All of the above 


29. Which of the following would cause muscle protein synthesis  to be elevated for the longest period of time?

a) 1 hour of weight training

b) 10g of whey protein

c) 20g of whey protein

d) 3g of leucine

Svar:  abacbbdcacbcabacbbcbccbcababa